Sunday, May 1, 2011
Political Advertising
E-Commerce Taxation
The issue of e-commerce is that the government wants to put taxation on the transition of products and payment through e-Bay or PayPal. This is difficult because the transactions are between one person to another without any sort of government control between them, making it nearly impossible to get any sort of taxation in the process. Most people would like to avoid having to work around tax as much as possible which make e-commerce such a great idea. trying to put tax on e-commerce would be like trying to put tax on a friend trying to sell his baseball cards to another friend for say 6 dollars.
Government Censorship
A celebrated legal case in 1734-1735 involved John Peter Zenger, a New York newspaper printer. He printed a newspaper that publicly bashed the ruler at this time, and he was taken to jail. He was taken to court and charged with seditious libel for assailing the corrupt royal governor of New York. His lawyer Andrew Hamilton defended him well, and was made famous for his speech "truth cannot be libel." This court case paved the way for freedom of the press in the United States to be adopted in the constitution. On one hand the government probably wanted the public to believe that the royal governor was a model citizen and this was destroying everything they had worked for. However it is his right to say what ever he wants as long as it doesn't lead to a political up rising. All together though, I believe that the government should never censor information from public just for the intent of giving the public the knowledge to plan for the future.
Online Print
This article interesting it's a little of both, supporting and detracting from what happened at the dinner. It shows mostly what Seth Meyers and Barack Obama said and what they made jokes about but had little on what Trump said.
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